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McAlester City Council Approves Budget Changes, Mowing Contract, and Library Transfer

McAlester / McAlester Radio
McAlester City Council Approves Budget Changes, Mowing Contract, and Library Transfer

The McAlester City Council met Tuesday to discuss key initiatives and approve several actions.

Stephanie Mervine of Choctaw Nation Economic Development updated the council on recent achievements, including the Choctaw Nation’s accreditation by the International Economic Development Council. Mervine emphasized that these developments boost McAlester’s visibility to national developers.

Mayor Justin Few noted the value of the city’s partnership with Choctaw Nation, benefiting projects like the McAlester Regional Airport and McAlester Public Library.

The council approved a budget amendment to cover additional revenue and expenses not originally included for the fiscal year. They also approved a $21,800 mowing contract with Limestone Gap Construction for Spring FY 2025 and Fall FY 2026.

Councilors voted to allocate $13,500 for manhole rehabilitation near Kiamichi Technology Center, using remaining CDBG funds. A deed transfer of the McAlester Public Library to the Southeast Oklahoma Library System was also approved, allowing the library to be used as collateral for renovation financing.

The council directed City Attorney John T. Hammons to create a Tourism Board, and discussed concerns about the City’s Code and storm water departments. A motion to investigate those departments failed for lack of a second.